Vending Machines and Occupational Health & Safety

If you are responsible for the vending machine equipment within your business you will need to ensure you minimize your exposure to associated risks. Current Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) legislation in Australia can place an unnecessary impost on business that can lead to expensive litigation and workers compensation costs. Without robust procurement processes your organisation could place staff and others at risk and financially cripple your company.

At Ausbox Vending your business and employee welfare is our priority and all of our vending machine procedures are completely safe and ensure no person is exposed to workplace hazards. Our “Partner OH&S Management Solutions” gives you ‘peace of mind’, as we can provide your business with all the documentation, OH&S checks and balances, and support to ensure we help discharge your OH&S legal obligations.

safety first ohs

Above all our organisation places a person’s safety as paramount and before we visit any site, we want to ensure our business partners consider the importance of Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S).

  • Does your organisation have an OH&S policy?
  • Does your organisation have a process to identify workplace hazards?

At Ausbox Vending our safety management systems have undergone significant changes to align with new OH&S, Work Health and Safety Laws. Particularly with contractor management, we understand that the OH&S landscape has now changed so we require that the correct consultation arrangements are in place in order to manage risks in a collaborative way.

The Job Safety Analysis and Safe Work Method Statements are a big component of our Safe Systems of Work. We identify the significant risk areas and implement the control measures which protects Ausbox Vending and our clients. If you would like to see examples of our Risk Assessments please contact our Health, Safety, Quality and Environment Coordinator on 1800 28 26 22.

If required for our larger clients we will conduct Workplace Audits, it really depends on what the level of risk is, we assess risk for all sites. We have also upgraded our Incident-Hazard reporting procedures. If a hazard is identified we’ve got the process to not only report it, but to conduct a thorough site investigation.

Annually we review the critical areas of our Risk Register which is rated low, medium, high or extreme. This includes all areas that we could be exposed to risk: Electrical Hazards, Manual Handling, Slips/Trips/Falls and can even include Chemical Exposure.

At Ausbox Vending we go to great lengths to ensure worker’s safety, customer safety but also trying to mitigate risk for its stakeholders.

To request a site assessment please contact our office on 1800 28 26 22

By John Apostolides

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