
LEI 200

LEI 200, is an automatic vending machine with 200 cups. Also available in semi-automatic version, beans, and instant espresso coffee products with 12 push buttons that can be configured as selections or pre-selections.

User Interface
  • Touchable selections panel with 12 push buttons that can be configured as selections or pre-selections.
  • Alphanumerical keypad consisting of 12 buttons that can be used to manage a slave spiral machine.
  • 7 inch LCD screen that makes the machine communicative and engaging. It displays attractive images and messages for a great vending experience.
  • End selection acoustic signal.
  • Customisable sugar dosage
  • Display consisting of 32 digits alphanumeric display.
  • 170 mm high illuminated cup station, with the capacity of hosting a jug. Also equipped with a foldaway small cup holder available on the semi automatic version.
  • Automatic version equipped with a slow product falling dispenser.
  • Wide selection versions and great configuration flexibility.
  • Automatic and semi automatic with water system supply. Also with autonomous tank inside the base cabinet.
  • Models available with integrated 7 inch LCD that displays messages and images.
  • Extractable mixers and boiler assembly that enables easier maintenance.
  • Equipped with standard serpentine kit for tea.
  • Door lock with programmable code.
  • Cup dispenser can be adjusted between 70-75 mm diameters. Dispenser can also function well for 90 or 105 mm stirrers.
  • Standard espresso boiler: 1500 W and 150 cc. Additional boiler of 700 W- 180 cc can be added to convert it into a Double Boiler.
  • Liquid waste tray of the capacity of 2 litres equipped with electronically operated safety block for maximum water level.
  • Coffee grounds waste tray for 200 pucks.
  • Espresso double boiler version equipped with a pre heating boiler with electronic temperature management system.
  • Switching power supply ensures stability of the instant product dose and electric safety protections.
  • Multi- protocol electronics.
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